Pratibimba Consultancy

Pratibimba is a Sanskrit word meaning Reflection /Reflected Image. Your self- Image is the way you see yourself and think about yourself. It is your Inner Mirror. It could be positive or negative. Whichever you choose to portray will affect and reflect your outcomes. While it’s important to be genuine, it’s also equally imperative to show the world the right image of an individual or a corporate. Impressions are created not only by the product but also how the individual responsible for the delivery of the product is perceived by the environment. Perception is reality and the world see’s the reality through the coloured lens of perception and brand image. All of us have this inherent desire to stand out in the crowd. In today’s connected modern world we can showcase our skills and ideas to a wider audience. Individuals have the power to build and maintain an image they want the world to perceive. Today anyone participating in the social media or the internet have a searchable identity. So whether we like it or not we have a brand to create, project and maintain. That’s our personal brand or Image. It takes lot of effort and careful planning to ensure that the right Image is projected to the external world.

Pratibimba Consultancy helps individuals and companies in creating a positive and authentic personal brand. We love to partner with companies and individuals in creating and improvising their personal brand. Our expertise lies in areas of Image management and soft skills training.

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Individual Solutions

We at Pratibimba help Individuals in projecting a winning Image. We offer one on one consulting to individuals . In this format we provide elaborate personal image coaching solutions which starts with capturing complete information about the client which helps in an image evaluation. The client is taken through several clinics which include

  • Lifestyle Evaluation
  • Personal Style Evaluation
  • Colour Evaluation
  • Body & Face Shape Evaluation
  • Appearance Management
  • Communication Skills Including Body Language
  • Etiquette – Business & Dining
  • Presentation skills

Based on the above evaluations, the client is then advised on managing their image based on their roles and goals in life.

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Corporate Solutions

Corporate Image, or reputation, describes the manner in which a company, its products and services are perceived by outsiders. In a competitive corporate world, companies work to create and communicate a positive image to their customers, stakeholders, Investors and to the general public. A company that ignores its image is likely to encounter a variety of problems. Some of the signs that a business might have an image problem include high customer churn, high employee turnover and poor relationship between the channel partners or vendors, dip in the stock value etc. If an image problem is left unaddressed, the company might face serious business problems.

A company’s identity is reflected through branding, marketing, advertising, logos but most importantly its people. A positive image is vital for Jobs that involve customer interface. Employees are the best brand ambassadors. Their attitude, communication,behaviour and appearance contribute towards a major part of overall success of the business.

We at Pratibimba help your company project a winning image through your employees. We help you in bridging the gap between the expected brand image and perceived image. Pratibimba offers a unique corporate programme on the following modules:

  • Lead to win – Framework for Success
  • Customer Service as a Key Differentiator
  • Communicate for Success – Vocal & Verbal communication
  • Body Language – The Latent Force
  • Connect to succeed – Interpersonal skills
  • Sales – Strategy to Execution
  • The ‘X’ factor to succeed – Emotional Intelligence
  • Journey from conflict to collaboration – Conflict Management
  • From ‘I’ to ‘We’ – Effective Team Management
  • Manage your’ Ego’ states – Transactional Analysis
  • Perspiration to Performance – Stress Management
  • Conquering Milestones – Goal Setting
  • Art of prioritising – Effective time management
  • Negotiate to WIN-WIN
  • Mind your Manners – Etiquette Ready
  • Power Dressing for professionals
  • Image Makers & Breakers
  • Appearance Management


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satta king